Siv conveyor system

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

  • Siv dav:Mus txog 2.4m
  • Siv Ntev:3,000 m +
  • Muaj peev xwm:> 8,000 m/h
  • Siv ceev:Mus txog 6.0m / s
  • Max Incline:Qhov siab tshaj 25?
  • Product Detail

    Khoom cim npe

    Siv dav Mus txog 2.4m
    Siv Ntev 3,000 m +
    Muaj peev xwm > 8,000 m/h
    Siv ceev Mus txog 6.0m / s
    Max Incline Qhov siab tshaj 25?
    Tsav hom Motorized pulley |Geared motor unit |Lub cev muaj zog + kua coupling + iav kem
    Txoj siv txoj siv sia Antistatic |Hluav taws kub tiv taus |Roj resistant |Nyuaj hnav |corrosion resistant
    Tension Unit Hauv qab 100m – ntsia hlau hom tail nro chav tsev |Saum toj no 100m - lub ntiajteb txawj nqus nro chav tsev lossis tsheb hom nro chav tsev
    Tiv thaiv Switches Hloov ceev |Siv Sway Hloov |Rub-cord hloov |Blockage sensor
    Cov ntaub ntawv siv Conveyor case thiab internals - stainless los yog coated me me hlau |Conveyor kev them nyiaj yug qauv - galvanized me ntsis steel
    Cov ntaub ntawv xa tawm Cov ntaub ntawv ntub lossis qhuav qhuav hauv daim ntawv ntawm crumbs, nplej, pellets, shreds, plua plav, hmoov, flake, los yog crushed khoom ntawm bio-tshuaj, sludge thiab aggregate.




    Coal conveying system ntawm fais fab nroj tsuag Chaw nres nkoj cia yard hloov conveying system Raw khoom conveying system ntawm steel zeb
    Coal conveying system ntawm fais fab nroj tsuag Chaw nres nkoj cia yard hloov conveying system Raw khoom conveying system ntawm steel zeb
    Qhib-qhov mine conveying system Bulk conveying system rau cement cog Sand-gravel aggregate conveying system
    Qhib-qhov mine conveying system Bulk conveying system rau cement cog Sand-gravel aggregate conveying system



    200,000-tuj ore berth project ntawm Dandong Chaw nres nkoj siv conveyor rau thee
    Lub npe qhov project: 200,000-tuj ore berth project ntawm Dandong Chaw nres nkoj
    Khoom npe: Hlau ore tuav peev: 5,000t / h
    Siv dav: 1,800mm Siv ntev: 4,960m
    Siv ceev: 4.0m / s Installation angle: 5 °
    Lub npe ntawm qhov project: Ntev mus ntev siv conveyor yog siv rau kev thauj mus los lignite hauv opencast thee mine
    Khoom npe: Lignite tuav peev: 2,200t / h
    Siv dav: 1,600mm Siv ntev: 1,562m
    Siv ceev: 2.5m / s Kev teeb tsa lub kaum sab xis: -6 ° ~ + 4 °
    Thaum tshav kub kub-resistant siv conveyors yog siv los thauj clinker hauv cov nroj tsuag cement Overland siv conveyor yog siv los thauj cov thee rau thee-fired fais fab nroj tsuag
    Lub npe qhov project: Thaum tshav kub kub-resistant siv conveyors yog siv los thauj clinker nyob rau hauv cement nroj tsuag
    Khoom npe: Cement clinker tuav peev: 800t / h
    Siv dav: 1,000mm Siv ntev: 320m
    Txoj siv ceev: 1.6m / s Kev teeb tsa lub kaum ntse ntse: 14 °
    Lub npe qhov project: Overland siv conveyor yog siv los thauj cov thee rau thee-fired fais fab nroj tsuag
    Khoom npe: Roj coal tuav peev: 1,200t / h
    Siv dav: 1,400mm Siv ntev: 3,620m
    Txoj siv ceev: 2.0m / s Kev teeb tsa lub kaum ntse ntse: 0 °


    1. Cov khoom yuav tsum tau xa: ______

    2.Kev muaj peev xwm: ______ t / h

    3.Bulk Density: ______ t/m3

    4.Center nrug ntawm lub taub hau thiab tus Tsov tus tw pulley: ______ m

    5.Max.granule loj ntawm cov khoom noj: ______ mm

    6.Max.Granule feem pua ​​ntawm tag nrho cov khoom: ______%

    7.Cov khoom siv dab tsi yog siv los pub cov khoom siv rau hauv txoj siv conveyor: ______

    8.Cov cuab yeej siv dab tsi los tawm cov khoom siv los ntawm txoj siv conveyor: ______

    9.Ua hauj lwm fais fab mov: ______ V ______ HZ

    10.Puas siv conveyor ua haujlwm ib leeg lossis nrog lwm yam khoom siv los tsim ib qho system?Yog tias tsim ib qho system, koj puas muaj tus qauv tsim ua ntej lossis kos duab kos duab?Yog tias muaj, thov xa mus rau peb tus engineer rau kev siv.


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