txiab rab

Scissor grab Featured Duab

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

1. Grab tshaj qhov siab: 52 t ore grab, piv txwv li, niaj hnub nyob ntev bar tuav hnyav txog 20 t nyob ib ncig ntawm, lob tus piv ntawm txog 1.6, thiab 52 t txiav hom grab tus kheej hwm xwb 17 t, fetching ratio 2.05, txhua txog 3 t lob txo qhov hnyav;

2. Nws yog qhov tsim nyog rau kev tshem tawm: vim tias qhov qhib loj ntawm lub thoob shearing, qhov chaw tuav ntawm txhua lub thoob yog 60% siab dua li ntawm tus ncej ntev, thiab tsis muaj excavator thiab rake tshuab yuav tsum ua kom tiav cov haujlwm tshem tawm.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Scissor grab yog ib qho txiaj ntsig thiab txuag hluav taws xob tuav cov cuab yeej tsim los ntawm peb lub tuam txhab.Lub grab muaj qhov zoo hauv qab no:

1. Grab tshaj qhov siab: 52 t ore grab, piv txwv li, niaj hnub nyob ntev bar tuav hnyav txog 20 t nyob ib ncig ntawm, lob tus piv ntawm txog 1.6, thiab 52 t txiav hom grab tus kheej hwm xwb 17 t, fetching ratio 2.05, txhua txog 3 t lob txo qhov hnyav;

2. Kev ua haujlwm siab: tsis yog tsuas yog txhim kho qhov fetching ntau dua li qhov ua tau zoo ntawm kev tsim khoom, kev txiav hom grab hauv grasping quab yuam yog qhib tag nrho kom ntes cov khoom khawb quab yuam me me, nrog rau qhov nce lob qhov kaw ntawm lub zog khawb, uas zoo ib yam. qhov khawb quab yuam tsuas yog nqa cov khoom xav tau, yog li rub tawm kev ua haujlwm zoo heev, tsuas yog xav tau lub sijhawm qhib thiab kaw me me tuaj yeem ua tiav kaw, txuag rau kaw thiab qhib lub sijhawm, txhim kho kev ua haujlwm;

3. Nws yog qhov tsim nyog rau kev tshem tawm: vim tias qhov qhib loj ntawm lub thoob shearing, thaj tsam ntawm txhua lub thoob yog 60% siab dua li ntawm tus ncej ntev, thiab tsis muaj lub tshuab excavator thiab rake yuav tsum ua kom tiav cov haujlwm tshem tawm.

4. Tsawg tsis ua hauj lwm tus nqi: vim muaj cov txiab me me thiab qis qis, qhov no txo ​​qhov tsis ua hauj lwm ntawm qee qhov chaw tsis zoo.Vim cov txiaj ntsig zoo ntawm shear grab, ntau cov khoom thauj loj loj hauv cov chaw nres nkoj txawv teb chaws tau siv rau hauv lub thoob shear.Lub thoob khib nyiab tuaj yeem siv rau hauv qhov sib txawv ntawm lub tshuab crane, tuaj yeem siv rau hauv plaub lub qhov rooj tshuab lossis lub unloading tshuab.Cov khoom siv lub tshuab tsim virtual, thiab siv ANSYS los ua kom tiav lub zog xyuas thiab kev ua kom zoo ntawm txhua qhov chaw, thiaj li ua kom lub lob nws tus kheej rov ua dua tsim nyog thiab siv lub neej ntev dua!


Qauv Khoom ntom ntom
(t / m3)
Qhov hnyav (Kg) Tag nrho lifting hnyav(t) Qhov siab (m3) Pulley Hlau hlua tag nrho qhov ntev (mm)
txoj kab uas hla Magnification txoj kab uas hla ntev mob stroke A B C D E
GBM10.0-1.6-4000 1.6 3600 ib 10.0 4.0 450 2 22 14.0 Nws ib 4850 ib 3740 4 110 2510 ib 4060 2460 ib
GBM12.5-1.6-5000 1.6 4500 12.5 Nws 5.0 500 2 24 15.0 Nws 5 110 ib 4090 ib 4480 26 20 ib 4380 2580 ua
GBM16.0-1.6-6400 1.6 ib 5760 16.0 Nws 6.4 560 2 26 16.5 ib ib 5810 ib 4480 ib 4890 2760 ib ib 4720 2760 ib
GBM20.0-1.6-8000 1.6 7200 ib 20.0 Nws 8.0 ib 630 2 28 18.5 Nws ib 6480 ib 4960 5 350 ib 2960 5 160 2940 ib
GBM25.0-1.6-10200 1.6 ib 8680 25.0 Nws 10.2 630 2 32 19.6 ib ib 6610 5 100 5 520 ib 3260 5450 ua 3170 ib
GBM32.0-1.6-12800 1.6 11520 ib 32.0 Nws 12.8 ib 7 10 2 36 21.0 Nws ib 7390 5690 ua ib 6160 ib 3520 6 010 ib 3320
GBM40.0-1.6-16000 1.6 14400 ib 40.0 Nws 16.0 Nws 800 2 40 23.8 ib ib 8270 ib 6320 ib 3520 ib 3820 ib 6560 ib 3520
GBM50.0-1.6-20000 1.6 18 000 50.0 ua 20.0 Nws 900 2 44 25.5 ib ib 8980 ib 6760 ib 7380 4 120 ib 6940 ib 3790
GBM63.0-1.6-25200 1.6 2 2680 63.0 ua 25.2 ib 1000 2 48 29.3 ib ib 10780 7740 ua 8280 ua ib 4460 ib 7910 4 020
GBM10.0-2.0-3300 2.0 3400 ib 10.0 3.3 450 2 22 14.0 Nws ib 4850 ib 3740 4 110 2510 ib 4060 2030
GBM12.5-2.0-4100 2.0 4300 ib 12.5 Nws 4.1 500 2 24 15.0 Nws 5 110 ib 4090 ib 4480 26 20 ib 4380 2110
GBM16.0-2.0-5200 2.0 5600 ib 16.0 Nws 5.2 560 2 26 16.5 ib ib 5810 ib 4480 ib 4890 2760 ib ib 4720 2240
GBM20.0-2.0-6600 2.0 6800 ib 20.0 Nws 6.6 630 2 28 18.5 Nws ib 6480 ib 4960 5 350 ib 2960 5 160 24 20
GBM25.0-2.0-8300 2.0 8400 ib 25.0 Nws 8.3 630 2 32 19.6 ib ib 6610 5 100 5 520 ib 3260 5450 ua 2580 ua
GBM32.0-2.0-10400 2.0 11200 ib 32.0 Nws 10.4 7 10 2 36 21.0 Nws ib 7390 5690 ua ib 6160 ib 3520 6 010 2700
GBM40.0-2.0-13000 2.0 14 000 40.0 Nws 13.0 Nws 800 2 40 23.8 ib ib 8270 ib 6320 ib 3520 ib 3820 ib 6560 ib 2860
GBM50.0-2.0-16200 2.0 17600 Nws 50.0 ua 16.2 900 2 44 25.5 ib ib 8980 ib 6760 ib 7380 4 120 ib 6940 ib 3070
GBM63.0-2.0-20400 2.0 22 200 63.0 ua 20.4 ib 1000 2 48 29.3 ib ib 10780 7740 ua 8280 ua ib 4460 ib 7910 3 250

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