Mechanical steel embryo clamp

Insimbi yomshini ukuqinisa umbungu Isithombe esifakiwe

Incazelo emfushane:

Umgomo we-billet spreader uhlelwa ngumgomo we-lever.Ngaphandle kosizo lwamandla angaphandle, i-billet ingaboshwa, i-clamp inokwethenjelwa, isenzo siyavumelana nezimo, futhi ukuphakamisa kuphephile futhi kunokwethenjelwa.

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Omaka bomkhiqizo

Umgomo we-billet spreader uhlelwa ngumgomo we-lever.Ngaphandle kosizo lwamandla angaphandle, i-billet ingaboshwa, i-clamp inokwethenjelwa, isenzo siyavumelana nezimo, futhi ukuphakamisa kuphephile futhi kunokwethenjelwa.

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